Booking inquiries
Speaking + Events

Viola is an educational and inspirational speaker. Their message has helped audiences across New Zealand, Canada, Australia and more, to believe in themselves, live vibrant lives, and give them the internal tools and external know-how to break free from societies tired narrative of hollow successes.
Viola’s hosted and taken part in multiple events that are empowering, entertaining, educational, and uplifting, inspiring the audience into shift, change, and liberation.
Viola is a captivating, humorous yet deep speaker, and uses real-life stories, metaphors, applicable advice and intuition, sharing from a vulnerable and authentic place that allows the audience to truly open up and integrate. Participants walk away not only feeling inspired, but clutching a notebook full of “aha” moments and real-world applicable take-home messages.
Viola has a deep understanding and passion for sharing on topics including: human design, gene keys, parenting, neurodivergency, feminism, dismantling our views on money and success, calling out disconnection within online coaching/business spaces, self-trust, dismantling the patriarchy and it’s oppressive byproducts, and more related topics – live or online.
As a well their former work in the online & social media based business field, Viola has spoken at numerous online and live events in her previous home-country NZ, her current home-country Canada, and multiple places globally. Viola is available for limited and aligned bookings for keynote presentations, workshops, Q&A style live events, festivals, retreats, conferences, educational talks in schools, intimate gatherings and expos.
Viola is available for paid and pro-bono work, or for exchange.