the ultimate human design guide for caregivers
Gently nurture your Child’s unique magic through understanding their individual energetic chart in Human Design, from a Gentle Parenting perspective. Gain a deep understanding of the designs of your loved ones and explore the profound benefits Human Design can offer your family (and your inner child) with this must-have sidekick. The pages within include thorough and comprehensive breakdowns of foundational and extended Human Design aspects, learning pages, as well as space to doodle, chart, take notes, and expand!
The book for parents, families, caregivers, and those desiring a safe space to show up, as is; to softly remove the layers that have masked their true authenticity and joy.
Available in paperback full colour or greyscale, and Kindle eBook.

Easy-to-read concept, with colour-marked segments, diagrams, fun-to-follow flow, & chapter summaries for quick reference (TL;DR).

the ultimate human design guide for caregivers
Viola Hug is a thought-provoking speaker and writer, as well as the author of the adored “Human Design Kids Affirmation Book” series.
They’ve been passionately integrating, learning, and teaching Human Design since 2017, and started exploring parenting styles years before becoming a parent in 2020. Now with two kids Viola knows more than ever the importance of nurturing our children’s individuality and autonomy, letting them simply be who they are in a world that often makes us forget our authenticity.
7 parts, 44+ chapters // addendum // segments for notes, doodles, and charting // learning + answers segments

- Introduction
- Part One: The Foundations
- Part Two: Aura + Strategy
- Part Three: Authority
- Part Four: Centres
- Part Five: Profile
- Part Six: Primary Health System
- Part Seven: Important Convos
- Closing
- Learning Answers
- Too-long; didn't-read (TL;DR) chapter summaries
- Visual Reference Guide
- Space: Notes, Doodles, Creative Space, Charts
Part one: the foundations
The first part of the book explores the Human Design system, from its genesis, to my personal perspective on how to utilize it, reading your child’s chart, Gentle Parenting & how to link it with Human Design, along with a chapter dedicated to emotions. The chart breakdown and labeled BodyGraph is a complete look at both the basic and advanced aspects of a BodyGraph chart, which can be referenced anytime you need a reminder on what something is on a chart you’re reading. A copy of this is also found as the final page of the book for easy access, as well as in the Visual Reference Guide. If you’re here for the learning, practice your BodyGraph skills with the “Label the BodyGraph” segment.

Part two: Aura
As well as a general look at Human Design types, you’ll learn how to identify Aura types simply by looking at a BodyGraph, and what each of the unique characteristics of a type are. Each of the 5 types is explored deeper, looking at their main attributes, themes – alignment and “Not-Self”, preferences, and nurturing this type within a child. Each type also has a quick-view page with it’s main info plus tips on rest, play, energy, and additional support tips and considerations. Next we explore the types as caregivers, with tips on how to nurture each within the parenting role, a fun aura quick tip, and the chapters learning page.

Part three: Authority
Firstly get familiar with the role of Authority, both for individuals, as well as within the dynamic of a home. Next explore each of the 7 authorities with insight into their function and how to support varying authorities within a home, as well as easy to reference summaries and quick-looks.

Part four: Centres
One of my favourite aspects of Human Design dynamics within a home is the way Centres interact. Learn more about each of the nine centres, the centre types, definition, and more. This segment also contains the loved visual summary segment, as well as a learning part.

Part five: Profile
Here we talk about the role of the Profile and Lines in the chart, and how they influence the type of person we are within a community. Each Line is looked at, plus more on their energy and interactions, plus other places Lines are important in the BodyGraph/our lives.

Part six: Primary Health System (PHS)
PHS is one of the advances aspects of Human Design I had to add because of its influence on our alignment, and by paying attention to small shifts within this area we can become more attuned to our own natural needs. We discuss arrows, PHS, and then dive into Determination (how we “digest”), Cognition (our super sense), and Environment.

Part seven: Important convos
Over and above everything covered about Human Design, with links to how it influences both us and our role as caregivers to the children in our lives, there are some important things I had to touch on. From some important boundaries to consider when bringing something like HD into your home, to things like the common conversation in the HD world of whether a chart can show diagnoses (spoiler: no it can’t), re-parenting and role-modelling, to if any of this is even real! These chapters round out the message of the book and are there to ground us into what truly is important within this HD world and parenting.

Enter the last, but possibly one of the best, aspects of the book: The Addendum. Along with finding answers to the learning segments of the book and a Visual Reference Guide with all the images and diagrams from throughout the book compiled, you’ll find Space for taking notes, getting creative, and charting your family, and the infamous TD;DR segment. TL;DR stands for Too Long; Didn’t Read, and is a few sentence recap of each chapter in each segment compiled at the back of the book. If you’re just wanting a reminder of the main message, or want to browse the topics before diving deeper, the TL;DR part of this book is undoubtedly a crowd favourite.

Want more resources for support your family? I gotchu!

Human Design Kids Affirmation Books
Each child is so unique and overflowing with beauty. Keep your little one’s magic alive through celebrating their individuality and building their confidence with these human design affirmations.