“Never enough” by @ViolaHug 🔥

It’s never enough.

No matter how much you do or how much you make it won’t ever feel like you’re complete. And somewhere within the confines of our capitalistic system we’ve confused the enoughness of our to do list with that of ourselves. Convinced that because it feels like we aren’t doing enough, it means we aren’t enough.

Not that you need it, but here’s your permission to stop even when the discomfort inside you screams to do one more thing. Here’s a reminder that every time you choose yourself over the standards of faux success you take part in dismantling a system that was never designed to see us thriving collectively.

When you sit there and allow enoughness to wash over you in the midst of the world burning you untangle your worth from the chatter of a world that profits on you never feeling enough.

It will never be enough, but you always will be.

- Viola Hug

Viola Hug

Writer + Speaker + Insufferable Feminist ♡ Mainly just dreaming about life without capitalism & the patriarchy 𓆃